Dating workaholic girl

Dating > Dating workaholic girl

Page 2 of 2 Con: Unfortunately, when a girl doesn't mesh with other girls, it often means she has or a nasty streak. She may create unnecessary friction with other females in your entourage, such as your female relatives, coworkers or friends. And these constant clashes will undoubtedly create tension between the two of you. History tends to repeat itself, so you are pretty much guaranteed a devoted girlfriend from start to finish. Con: A supremely devoted dating workaholic girl will probably expect the same from you. She may want you to make all your plans together or tag along on all your outings. And the worst possible outcome would be if you started to lose your friends because of the sheer amount of time you are spending with her. She is too busy chasing after her promotion to keep tabs on you and what you are doing while waiting for her to leave the office. An added bonus is that you'll probably never have to worry about her becoming dependent — or otherwise — on you. Con: While you won't have to compete with her friends for her attention and free time, you will have to fight it out with her boss and career goals, and, in the long run, she may not make enough time for you. Don't worry, because the following four tips will arm you with all you need to minimize the damage that her lack of friends can have on dating workaholic girl relationship. Discuss the issue early on. Set the tone for the future by making her understand that you need some time alone or with your buddies. Be understanding and considerate when you approach this conversation so she doesn't feel defensive about it. Make sure to spend enough time with her. This way, when you want to head out alone or with your buddies, she won't feel neglected. Help her make new friends. You can do this either by suggesting new activities for her, such as a yoga or cooking class, or by hosting some small parties so she can meet new people. Do this with one of your buddies and his girlfriend. If the girls get along, you can suggest that they try hanging out on their own. Remember this: She doesn't have to be a social butterfly for you to make the relationship work. She just has to be understanding enough to let you continue on with your own social commitments, and by now you should be well-versed at how to achieve that.

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